“Having a copy of Celebrate High School is akin to having a comforting friend who knows the path ahead and shows me where and when to plant my very unsure ‘homeschooling in high school feet’.”
“I purchased More Than Credits at the homeschool convention. Oh my! It’s the play book for creating high school electives and will be such a great tool for the next four years!”
“Cheryl’s ability to weave nature, play, and hands-on math has encouraged all of us—children and me! Math Adventures helps preserve my daughter’s natural inclination and love of math and helps me add direction to a trip to the park or farmer’s market. I am grateful to have Cheryl as such a valuable inspiration and resource.”
Math Adventures: Experiencing Math in Nature Ages 4 - 8, Volume 1
Math Adventures: Experiencing Math in Nature Ages 4 - 8, Volume 1
NOW available!
Children love being outdoors, discovering, observing, learning. Math Adventures--designed with these innate qualities in mind--gently guides parents and children through multi-sensory math lessons incorporating narration, hands-on experiences, oral drill and life application.
Featured adventures include state and local parks, beaches, nature study, butterfly habitats, bird study, U-Pick farms, farmers markets, county fairs and chickens. Math Adventures: Experiencing Math in Nature complements Blaze New Trails written by Holly Giles.
An exciting NEW addition to our products, Math Adventures: Experiencing Math in Nature is ideal for learners ages four to eight.
114 pages. Color cover, black and white interior. Spiral-bound softcover. Wrap-around simplicity for easy inclusion on nature study.
Magnifying glass in hand, we darted to the backyard to observe a caterpillar turn upside-down and spin a chrysalis. One child drew the pattern of the magnificent stripes. Another fashioned it from clay. The third child took photographs to make a photo journal documenting the changes and the times they occurred. Together, we identified the caterpillar and discussed how this captivating creature would change into something new—a glorious eastern black swallowtail butterfly with symmetrical black and yellow wings!
Presenting math concepts in the wonder of the outdoors provides a strong and meaningful foundation for children. Leaves to be sorted and compared amid fall breezes. Shells to be counted, added and identified, their patterns replicated in sketches. Oh, and the observation and measurement opportunities on a pond shore? Simply captivating! Nature and math go hand-in-hand. God designed it that way!
Math Adventures: Experiencing Math in Nature provides math lessons with uniquely designed activities essential to a child’s early learning: narration, hands-on experiences, oral drill, and life application. Lessons ask children to classify, describe, compare, group, count, add, subtract, and divide the objects they love: pine cones, rocks, sticks, acorns, and more. A multi-sensory program, MathAdventures builds on a child’s instinctive ability to recognize shape, size, pattern and quantity, giving opportunities to observe, make, do, and verbalize math processes while solving problems and building math vocabulary with concrete, naturally fascinating wonders.
With you on your next math adventure,