Portfolios Made EASY
Compiling a portfolio of work samples doesn’t have to be stressful or time consuming. Instead, it can be a rewarding culmination to the year, a means of empowerment and accomplishment. Cheryl Bastian, homeschooling mom of twenty-nine years and five graduates, provides helpful tips and walks attendees through practical ways to tame the worries of managing recordkeeping and putting together a portfolio—regardless of home education philosophy and methods—so family members focus can be on life-long, memorable education.
Cheryl presents this 50-minute conference session or 1-hour workshop.
Creating Work Spaces and Tinker Places
Are you interested in creating spaces and places children want to visit, areas which foster purposeful, independent discovery and exploration? In this workshop, Cheryl Bastian shares practical suggestions, organizational helps, and supply list recommendations from over thirty years of working with children, preschool through high school. Designing art and science tables, reading nooks, porch tinker corners, and interest circles are easier than you may think. If you are skeptical, join Cheryl in this engaging session.
Cheryl presents this 50-minute conference session or 1-hour workshop.
Picture Books, Paper, and Paint Brushes
A picture book is a treasure of literary wonder and artistic goodness. Though children are often captivated by a storyline, illustrations invite children to turn pages and inspire them to experiment with and appreciate art techniques. Cheryl Bastian brings over thirty years of teaching children to this workshop and walks parents through the process of choosing picture books to engage a child's creativity and sense of wonder through the works of notable illustrators and their work. With each example, Cheryl provides ready-to-use, picture-book inspired art ideas and techniques the whole family can enjoy. An extensive book list will accompany the workshop and provide attendees with a tangible take-away.
Cheryl presents this 50-minute conference session or 1-hour workshop with question and answer opportunity. Content extends into the elementary years. Popular topic!
Science Little Learners Love
(One of Cheryl's most frequently requested workshops--and a personal favorite!)
Magnets. Animals. Water. Science is innate for little learners. In this workshop, Cheryl Bastian offers practical, inexpensive, ready-to-use learning activities. You will walk away from this session with a renewed understanding of how and why to foster your child’s sense of discovery and wonder, naturally. Active, curious learners between ages three and eight? This workshop is for you!
Cheryl presents this 50-minute conference session or 1-hour workshop with question and answer opportunity suitable for families with children ages three to eight. Popular topic!
Celebrate High School: Finish with Excellence
(One of Cheryl's most frequently requested workshops)
Whether fresh out of the blocks on the first leg of the high school adventure or heading toward the finish line, high school is a time to be celebrated. Cheryl will answer common questions asked by students and parents as they work together toward turning the tassel. Topics include planning ahead, understanding graduation requirements, building credits, grading assignments, calculating grade point averages, preparing transcripts and supporting documents, tailoring education to learning style and career choice, college admission testing, and submitting college applications.
Cheryl presents this information in a 1/2- to full-day seminar format with question and answer opportunities throughout
Cheryl also offers this workshop as a condensed 50-minute conference session or 1-hour workshop with question and answer opportunity
How to Have the Best High School Years, Ever!
The precious gems of home education—relationships, experiential opportunities, and a love for learning—can quickly crumble under the weight of GPAs, transcripts, and college admissions. In this workshop, Cheryl Bastian encourages parents to reconsider what really matters in middle and high school so that their families can have the best high school years, ever. YOU can celebrate high school!
Cheryl presents this 50-minute conference workshop
Maximizing the Potential of High School Electives
(One of Mike and Cheryl's most frequently requested workshops)
Photography. Equine health. Nutrition. Landscaping. The unique interests and giftings of each learner are distinctive qualities that can be used to maximize learning in academic courses as well as electives. In this session, Cheryl offers suggestions and give parents tools they can use to discover and grow these interests and abilities to impact future career paths.
Cheryl, or Mike and Cheryl together, present this 50-minute conference session or 1-hour workshop with question and answer opportunity
Dads are particularly interested in this session because of Mike's experience as a homeschool Dad and public school educator.