Bringing Physics to Life
/My soon-to-be high schooler loves science, always has. She builds, creates, designs. Tape, staples, duct tape disappear overnight. There are springs from pens and spare flashlight bulbs stored in a tackle box, in case they're needed.
Then we found this treasure in the new book section of the library.
“After reading The Physics of Everyday Things, I understood the workings of items I see used every day.”
Physics came to life!
I wish physics made sense to every learner.
In fact, I think it can.
Two of my three graduates have completed middle and high school physics. As with other subjects, we endeavored to bring physics to life with Living Books. This learning season, we found yet another living physics gem!
Reading The Physics of Everyday Things started a learning frenzy. Within a few days of checking out the book, my learner needed more books. I began the search.
- Albert Einstein, Pamela Zanin Bradbury (Messner biography)
- Electrical Genius, Nikola Tesla, Arthur J. Beckhard (Messner biography)
- Electronics Pioneer, Lee DeForest, I.E. Levine (Messner biography)
- Isaac Newton, Harry Sootin (Messner biography)
- Rocket Boys: A Memoir, Homer Hickam (adult biography section of the library)
- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
- The Discoverer of the X-Ray, Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, Arnulf K. Esterer (Messner biography)
- The Story of Benjamin Franklin, Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft (Signature series)
- The Story of Madame Curie, Alice Thorne (Signature series)
- The Wright Brothers, David McCullough (adult biography section of the library)
These books really did add practical application to the physics concepts, concepts which were once words on a textbook pages--difficult to grasp--now had real life meaning and application. In addition, we watched the movie October Sky as a family. The movie is based on the book Rocket Boys by Homer Hickam. (The movie should be previewed by adults, first)
For those of you have multiple children spanning the ages, there are books for younger learners which can fuel an interest in all things science and inventions. Our favorites are from the Childhood of Famous Americans series. These may be helpful to your family. They were for ours!
- Eli Whitney, Boy Mechanic, Dorothea J. Snow (COFA)
- George Westinghouse, Young Inventor, Montrew Dunham (COFA)
- Harvey S. Firestone, Young Rubber Pioneer, Adrian Paradis (COFA)
- Lee DeForest, Electronics Boy, Lavinia Dobler (COFA)
- Robert Fulton and the Steamboat, Ralph Nading Hill (Landmark series)
- Robert Fulton, Boy Craftsman, Marguerite Henry (COFA)
- Robert Goddard, Pioneer Rocket Boy, Clyde B. Moore (COFA)
- The Story of Atomic Energy, Laura Fermi (Landmark)
- The Story of Submarines, George Weller (Landmark)
- The Wright Brothers, Quentin Reynolds (Landmark)
- Tom Edison, Young Inventor, Sue Guthridge (COFA)
- Wilbur and Orville Wright, Young Fliers, Augusta Stevenson (COFA)