Interest-Based High School Credits: Art Can Look Like This
High school art can look like this!
What if there aren’t enough hours to count as credit?
What if we run out of content?
Questions mount, fear enters.
Step out of fear and watch the possibilities unfold.
As I talk with parents, I often ask, “Why do we hit the brakes in high school?” What I mean is, all the great methods we utilized in the elementary and middle school years, the ones our children loved, the ones we know worked—experiential, project-based, hands-on, field trips, even service—inadvertently pushed aside to make room for the check-offs, grades, and credits. Not that goals, grades, and credits aren’t important or necessary. Obviously they’re needed for college admission paperwork. However, when those aspects take precedence, best practices dissolve, curiosity deteriorates, and anxiety heightens. What if the successful, engaging methods could be retained and built upon in the presence of grades and credits?
“Experiential learning doesn’t have to end in high school. Learners don’t need to leave interests behind. ”
Let’s say your learner has an interest in calligraphy, as my daughter did. There’s an interest. There are possibilities, some not seen until after a few other steps are taken.
As I pondered our situation, I figured I had at least two choices.
I could explain to my daughter there wasn’t time in her (a.k.a. our) day which would likely lead to how we could negotiate how to fit in calligraphy IF she finished Algebra first. Several things crossed my mind. If I choose this path, my daughter might eventually stop being interested in or pursuing her interests, figuring I would say no most of the time or that she’d have to come up with some amazing proposal in order to dig into something she enjoyed. I didn’t want that. Life is full of new and exciting learning opportunities, moments which teach important skills needed for the future. Why would I want to block or squelch her curiosity for new learning? Being a life learner is essential. And, what if she heard (though I didn’t say it), “Those ideas are just not as important as Algebra.” OUCH!
My second option might be to allow my daughter to investigate the interest and give her the freedom to figure out how to manage her time and energy in the process so that all she needed to get done could be completed. Major life skill gained. Bonus! With this option, I was able to ponder and remind myself that the interest may wane after a week (therefore no need to worry about whether we would get other subjects done). And, what if this interest took my learner one step closer to her future career? We wouldn’t know unless we took the first step toward discovery, in my daughter’s case, calligraphy.
I made my decision.
But, what if the interest sticks or grows into something else and Algebra (or other subjects) don’t get done?
Yes, this is a possibility. In fact, other subjects may take a back seat for a little awhile or not be completed in the time frame I expected. But, they would get done. The time management lessons gained in the process would indeed be life lessons. People are always navigating wise use of time, even into the adult years. She will, too.
My next question surfaced. What If the interest (calligraphy in our case) stuck around awhile or morphed into something else? We’d have to figure out how to complete the other subjects (especially since at this time she intends to go to college).
I also reminded myself there are other reasons why learners don’t complete subjects in a specific time frame. It may not be solely because of the added interest or that time was mismanaged. Maybe there’s a mental block with the subject, cause “it doesn’t make sense” or “I am not good at _______”. This is not our situation, but I know learners where this component needed to be considered and addressed. In other words, not completing a subject “on time” may not be the fault of “another interest”. Instead, the original subject likely needs tweaking. Often the benefit of adding something a learner enjoys allows the mind to relax enough to tackle other difficult subject matter.
What if there aren’t enough hours to count as credit?
If we don’t get started, take the first step, we won’t know possibilities. Starting keeps curiosity alive. It’s like a muscle, needing to be stretched, used, worked. Have courage, jump in, and be curious about where the interest will led.
In the case of calligraphy, everything counts—instructional videos; live lessons; reading resources; researching of inks, tools, and paper; practice lettering; projects; entries for fairs or contests. When the learner begins on their study, I encourage them to being to keep bullet points of what is being completed. This may look like
watched how-to video on calligraphy
video instruction and practicing of basic calligraphy strokes
tutorial on hand-lettering
researched pens and ink
made a supply wish list
created a budget and made goals for how to purchase supplies
checked out a book at the library and read the chapter on calligraphy
read about medieval calligraphy
Over a short period of time, activities, hours (and learning) stack up, potentially leading to other interests. It all counts as credit.
What if we run out of content?
Contrary to our thoughts, I really don’t think if it is possible to run out of content. There’s always something new to learn in an area. In addition, when we allow our learners to study an interest, often another pops up.
“We parents tend to shut down opportunities and interests before they even start because there’s ‘not enough time in the day’ or ‘we can’t turn that into a class’. ”
What if the interest is calligraphy?
In the case of calligraphy, here are some possibilities to jump start the study.
modern brush calligraphy
pointed pen calligraphy
hand lettering
basic and classic styles (Gothic, Old English, Unical)
Calligraphy may morph into
watercolor brush lettering
embroidery calligraphy
chalkboard lettering
writing Japanese characters
the history of calligraphy from Rome to the Middle Ages and the movement to modern calligraphy.
Some high schools offer Calligraphy 1 and Calligraphy 2, so creating a self-directed or independent study course is not unreasonable.
There are online courses available, too, like this one offered by BYU Online high school calligraphy course.
What if the interest is not calligraphy, but something else? The same process applies. Get started. Dig in. Bullet point what is completed. Keep learning. Gain hours. Concisely title what was learned.
Fear keeps us from trying new things—children and parents alike. With curiosity comes possibility, endless things to wonder about, explore and learn. I wonder what ideas will surface today?
It matters, and it counts!